Perhaps this may -seem- like a post for the software forum, but I'm looks for a -recommendation-. I understand that recommendations outside of VSL products is frowned upon by some but... whatever.
I'm trying to do some mockups with VSL and singers (recorded in a dry studio). If I audtion the singers in Cubase (with various reverb plugs) they sound fine. If I listen to my 'orchestra'? Again, sounds fine. But mixed together? Regardless of the combinations of 'plugs' I've tried:
IK Classic reverb
Cubase Reverence
UAD EMT 140, Dreamverb
...nothing sounds convincing. It always sounds like... a guy in a studio in front of a mic and a MIDI orchestra. But again, -soloed-, the voices sound fine. Even if the voices are DRENCHED in verb, there's this 'contrast'. And again: the orchestra alone sounds -great-. It's as though the natural space of VSL 'cancels out' the artificial space of the voice.
What I -want- is that sense that you're listening to a singer on stage: you know, where one has to strain slightly to get their words because they're -behind- the orchestra from the listener's POV.
Anyone know what I'm on about? And if so... any ideas? I haven't tried MIR, but I was thinking that this was not a -product- issue so much as a -technique- issue that others doing mockups might've run into many times before.