@Dietz said:
Please increase the latency of your audio system. And like pointed out on p. 8 of MIR Pro's manual, there are actually two numbers to take into account here, namely the host buffer size and MIR latency setting. The latter should either be 0 (zero) or a number greater than the host buffer size. MIR latency below or equal to the host buffer size will give you troubles.
I changed the MIR latency setting to 0. I lkeft my audio interface at 128 (if I go any lower I can't get MIR to work.) Concerning the buffer settings, do you mean the initial buffer settings in the VEP5 Server Interface window? It defaults to 2, should I set that lower or higher? The zero latency setting in MIR took care of the noise issue.
Also, I notoce that the screen cap in the manual of the MIR preferences is different from what I see. The manual screen cap s shows 4 menus..."General", "Audio/Midi"', "plugins"' and "MIR", my window is missin ghte "general menu." I am running the latest version 5.0.10738. Why would I be missing the general menu?