Because its weird its rather difficult to describe and pin down. I have a couple of threads going with Andi in the notation forum. Really I just wanted to know if it is known there are issues when this number of VIs are used.
Two of my 76 VIs are organ manuals and organ pedals. Despite having everything set up correctly and the same for each VI I cannot hear the manuals but I can hear the pedals. I can see midi going out of sibelius, I can see midi coming into the VI, I can see the VI keyboard being played but I cannot hear the organ manuals.
The accents in the sibelius score were correctly changing the sound/sample in the VI but as the project has progressed accents (which were working earlier) are now causing silence for some (not all) instruments.
Marcato accents when at the begining of a slur make the note silent in some intruments but not others.
The frustrating thing is that some of these problems have only developed as the project has grown and whilst my RAM is only 56% I began to wonder if it was either because of the number of VIs I'm using or because of this constant purging.
I appreciate neither Sibelius or VSL were specifically designed for this type of workflow i.e. creating a performance directly from Sibelius with VSL and not thru a sequencer. It may be the issues are with sibelius rather than VSL. Maybe there aren't many if any other people trying to work in this way with such a huge orchestra. However having got so far and having worked so hard (and getting some wonderful results) it is frustrating/depressing that the set up seems to be failing me as I'm reaching the end (of this movement).