My last post mentioned that Halion 4.52 crashed my VE PRO 5 64 bit PC template and I had to go back to Halion 4.51.
I have been having crashes with Halion 4.51 when I try to edit patches in my template.
Here is the issue:
1) Add Halion 4.51 and load a patch.
2) Now add a second instance of Halion 4.51 and load a patch in the second instance.
3) Go to the edit menu on the second Halion and hit the "zone" tab.
Result....instant VE PRO crash. I suspect Halion 4.52 will also crash VE PRO. There were issues similar to this about 6 months ago in VE PRO 5 that I thought were resolved in a fixed version of VE PRO 5, now it seems the problems are back for sure if you have more than one instance of Halion 4 inside VE PRO 5.
I also get the same kind of crash if I try to load a MULTI in Halion 4...again with at least 2 instances of Halion 4.x