Vienna ensemble and Pro Tools : template please.
I try to use Vienna Ensemble (with VI PRO) in Pro Tools (10). To do this, I read the section on PT in the VSL guide. I think that this guide was written in 5 minutes, by someone who has nothing previously taught. Between this and a cloud of mist...
Anyone know a serious guide? Better: someone there a Pro Tools template with a few VI or VI PRO instances through VE? I think that the VSL team should offer this to all major DAW, but it is not. If a user of PT can help, thank you in advance.
Hi Claude,
Thanks for the insult.
Why don´t you check out a few of the video tutorials we provided? If you scroll all the way down, you will also find the Special Edition Tutorials, which show you how an orchestra with the Special Edition can be set up.
If you want to ivestigate further, e.g. for your Solo Strings that you have registered about a year ago, this video might also help.
Here´s the problem with tutorials and presets: We have MANY products, and each user has a different combination (you didn´t even include any information about the specific products you have registered, which makes it harder to help).
Also, there simply is not ONE WAY to work with our products, which is a good thing. I have not seen an identical template from 2 users yet. Everybody designs their own sound by taking the time to set up their ideal template, depending on the music you want to write, and of course also on how you want to control the sounds.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
Hello Paul,
English is not my language. The French probably allows more humor, and translations of Google does not know laughter. But talking as friends, because I have a great love for Vienna and a great respect for the work of the team in general. I also thank you for answering me so quickly.
I started to watch videos. But there is nothing about my specific question. On the other hand, I do not agree with your comment. You can look at the differences between the uses, but also the similarities. The proof is that your guide explains how to make a routing in Pro-tools. So go ahead and give the file. This will be clearer than the manual unclear.
Secondly, you told me, there are more than a year, that the French version of the manuals arrive with the new version of software. We are still waiting.
Sorry, Paul, I forgot my configuration.
Intel Core i7 64 bits / 2,80 GHz / 16 GB RAM
Pro-Tools 10, Samplitude Pro X (mastering), Sibelius 6.5 / RME HDSP 9632
Vienna Instrument PRO, Vienna Suite, Solo Strings + Ext; SE orchestral strings; SE Woodwind; Trombone ensemble; Clarinet Bb, Tenor Saxophone, Bosendorfer Imperial. EWSLSO Platinum.
Hi Claude,
No problem about the insult thing, it was actually quite amusing (also because these mails and questions most likely come in on a friday night/weekend, when I´m getting ready for the "overtime" [;)]
Yes, I know that the VI PRO and VE PRO manual has been delayed, and I´m actually reworking all manuals as we speak, but there are manuals for VI and VE available in french. As far as I can see, you have requested a demo license for VE PRO in February - so is this about VE PRO or VE?
If you send a mail to
, I´ll do my best to make a quick template for your registered instruments with VE as soon as possible (it actually really only takes a few minutes, because of the loading times).
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
Hello Paul,
1. For translation, I was thinking more of the manual PRO VI, I have the license. This is a fabulous tool, but complex, if we want to push the thing.
2. For VE PRO, I'm not ready, because only one computer is enough for now. This instrument side. For the side of reverb with Reverb Hybrid, it takes a lot of CPU... However, VE PRO does not help in this regard, if I understand.
3. For the template, thank you very much. So far, I enter one "VI PRO" by instrument, on a "instrument" track in Pro Tools. Now, your guide provides an instrument input for VE, then MIDI tracks, then auxiliary tracks, then entries, saying to plug it all. Hum .. I work with many auxiliary tracks, with complicated routing, but I do not understand the logic, for the time of VE in Pro Tools.
4. So I give you my plan with simplified instruments (I'll do the rest):
1. real piano
2. 90 Bosendorfer Imperial Distant MIC 13. 90 Bosendorfer Imperial Distant MIC 2
4. 90 Bosendorfer Imperial Distant MIC 3
5. Patch SE Pic. Flutes Leg.
6. Patch SE Clarinets Leg
7. Patch SE Bassoons leg_sus
8. Patch Trombone ensemble sustain no_vib
9. Patch SE Violons Stac.
10. Patch SE Violons Leg.
11. Patch SE Violas Stac.
12. Patch SE cello Leg.
13. Patch SE doublebass Fp.
14. Auxiliaire 3 Bosendorfer
15. Auxiliaire 3 Woodwind
16. Auxiliaire Trombones
17. Auxiliaire Quartet
18. Auxiliaire Doublebass
19. Reverb real piano
20. Reverb 3 Bosendorfer
21. Reverb 3 Woodwind
22. Reverb Trombones
23. Reverb Quartet
24. Reverb Doublebass Master
25. Master
5. Bonus question: I bought yesterday Special Edition (SE) Strings. It contains solo instruments. But I had the complete solo strings. So I paid twice, at least partially, for the same thing, some of the same samples. If this is true, I think Vienna should change prices according to what the client already has. For example: 10 or 15% discount on SE Strings for Solo Strings owners, etc..
6. Marcato and spiccato articulation do not exist in Vienna?
So you decided to play this through the forum. OK.
There simply isn´t a "downgrade path". Here are more details about our Discounts.
[quote=CLAUDE MARC BOURGET]6. Marcato and spiccato articulation do not exist in Vienna?Yes, they do exist. For example with your Solo Strings Standard Library in "Short/Long Notes" (Patches), and many more variations like performance marcato in the Extended Library. Here is the Sample Content Overview.
These Overviews are available for ALL products, right under the product shot on the product page. The DISCOUNT DETAILS can also be found there.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
I thought it was best for the community. I am certainly not alone. And I did not adrese your e-mail. I'll watch this and try to make the template, but I thought you had offered to do a first time.
Thank you,cm
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