Hi - I've been using the VI Special Edition hosted in VEPro as part of my regular setup for years (mostly the WWinds). I use the basic keyswitching matrix for leg, sus, port, and sustain. But it has always bugged me that the relative volumes of velocity switches (esp. in the stacc. and legato patches) are not balanced the way I would like. Since all 3 velocity levels are contained in one patch there is no way to edit them. (or is there...?) I'd like to make the p samples louder, and the ff samples softer. I'd also like to tweak the velocity levels and which it switches from the p to mf.
I thought VI Pro was my answer, so I got the demo today. And after many hours of poking around and RTFM-ing I can't find a way to do this.
The closest I came was to turn off velocity crossfading, and assign the fading to a MIDI cc (which works GREAT). Problem is when I turn off vel xfade for the legato keyswitch it also turns it off for the stacc. one.
The only thing I can think of now is to use 2 instances in tandem. One for the legato patch with mod wheel Xfade, and another for the sus, port, and stacc. using the standard Vel. Xfade.
VIPro seems so powerful there must be a less cludgy way to do this. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!