Hello DG and thank you for your reply. Please let me reformulate some elements of my post:
1) I do not experience latency problems on either machine taken individually. It is only present when I use VEP5 to play instruments remotely on the slave computer. I especially tested fast attack instruments and went down to 1 and even 0 buffer in VEP5 to no avail. Audio is Mackie Onyx Blackbird.
What does VSL mean by "plugin latency compensation". Is it just sending latency information (in samples) to the DAW so it delays other tracks appropriately?
2) I am trying to see my slave VEP5 and its VST instruments from my main/DAW computer, not the other way around. The main (DAW) computer already has 4x30" monitors so currently I dedicated one of them to see & control my slave through VNC (similar to RDP) as a workaround but I think that the "Raise" function of VEP5 should normally alow me to do just that but it doesn't do anything (but it works locally on my DAW computer).