@iamnemo said:
2) I am trying to see my slave VEP5 and its VST instruments from my main/DAW computer, not the other way around. The main (DAW) computer already has 4x30" monitors so currently I dedicated one of them to see & control my slave through VNC (similar to RDP) as a workaround but I think that the "Raise" function of VEP5 should normally alow me to do just that but it doesn't do anything (but it works locally on my DAW computer).
Unless you're sharing your screen, remote desktop function, seeing what's on one machine on another machine doesn't happen. Forget about that. "Raise" will raise it on that slave machine's GUI/screen.
I should eschew anecdotes about Play here that are probably not going to help; but if you're having that bad a performance per se out of VEP 5, something is wrong on your end. Dynamic IP? Don't know that audio card. Could be a loser as far as drivers. Not enough information.
VSL recommends getting the latency as low as possible on the DAW host and setting VEP latency to x2, NB.
edit: as far as Play, it does not have any sync issue here.
edit 2: I hadn't noticed that with VEP, I reckon owing to MIR Pro there is the possiblity of x3 and x4 buffers. I am citing the recommendation per VEP 4. VEP is supposed to pretty much obviate its own added latency I think, hence get it down as far as you can on the DAW end.