I have a VE Pro instance with nothing but Audio Inputs to receive some EXS and other VE Pro instances from another computer and pipe them through MIR. Sorry if this is hiding in plain sight, but I can't discover how to assign the volume sliders on the Mixer page to MIDI controllers. Can this be done? Thanks.
MIDI Automation of Audio Plug-In Mixer Volumes in VEP 5
Civilization 3, Paul anybody at VSL
Could you please expand on connecting the volume automation data on an logic audio track to the the corresponding audio input channel in VE PRO.
I have a project that has 66 audio inputs in VEPro and I have been trying to connect the automation data from the logic audio tracks to the audio input channel in VEPro.
For example I have a Harp audio track in logic using midi channel 3 in logic and this is assigned to audio input channel 75/76 in VE Pro. I am getting sound ok through VE Pro and MIR Pro is ok, but I cannot get the automation data for this track in logic to affect the volume slider in VE Pro.
I am using a 2.66GHz 12 core MacPro with 48GB of RAM, Logic 9.1.7 VEPro 5/MIR Pro,
Thanks for your help.
Caveat: I'm not a Logic user...!
- The Volume slider on an audio track is designed to affect the Volume on that track. Does yours actually send any MIDI information to VEP? Is it supposed to?
- If you want to use the Volume fader (or automation) to control the volume of the audio track in your project, the audio input plug must be set to post fader.
Does any of this help?
I'm not much of a Logic user myself. But I reckon it works like this: Ensure you're connected to [Instrument Track>Multi] an instance of VE Pro. in the track you want to send to an input into VE Pro, insert [VSL] VE Pro Audio Input. The key command to reveal your automation is 'a'. Then enable some type of automation, here volume; click on that and the dialog corresponding with VE Pro. Now. you should see the parameters VE Pro exposes to that track.
The automation shown applies to the instrument track on the left. I have inserted the VE Pro Audio insert in the other strip shown. Using it as an insert to the track itself corresponds with the 'inline' convention in VEP mixer per MIR Pro. Then set up the corresponding parameters via F5 Automation list in VEP 5.