Hi there,
I'm experiencing, from time to time, a very annoying bug with VEP PRO 5. A bug I call "the larsen bug".
It often happens when my memory is loaded to 60% ( so with 40 % of free memory ) I've 24 gb in total.
It happens exclusively with one or more play instance. Never with kontakt.
The VEP server is hosted on a I7 2600K , on windows 7.
Here's an audio extract of the bug : be careful, lower your speaker !
I've lowered the volume of the bounce, but please be careful.
The only solution to solve this bug is to reload the VEP metaframe ( until the bug comes back ) ...
Could someone from VSL investigate this ?
I'm apparently not the only one who has this bug.
It seems EW PLAY-related , I know that it happened
with EW hollywood strings diamond and EW hollywood brass gold. Maybe
also with EWQLSO symphonic orchestra but i'm not sure for this one.
I've got 10 VEP instances. My Play instances are always loaded the
last... I haven't tried the trick which consist in loading PLAY
instances before the kontakt ones. I'm gonna try that ... but it seems its a MAC trick only, so its not going to help me probably.