Welcome tfkbucncv,
@tfkbucncv said:
[...] I saw they were working on 44 KHZ [...]
Vienna Instruments will work in any typical sampling frequency, and of course 96 kHz is amongst the supported values. The built-in real-time sample rate conversion will take care for that.
The instruments' samples themselves are recorded in 96 kHz, 24 bit. They are stored and edited in 96 kHz, 32 bit FP. -> http://www.vsl.co.at/en/65/72/103/20.vsl
They are converted to the internal delivery format of 44.1 kHz, 24 bit in a final step before mapping, using a proptietary hi-end tool that was developed specifically for VSL. This format is widely regarded as the best compromise between sound-quality, file-size and CPU/RAM-requirements.
The samples are not accessible individually, but delivered in a data-compressed, monolithical format. Data gets un-compressed in real-time by the Vienna Instrument Player software.