@Edward Gold said:
The problem seems related to the douible bass samples...
If the keyswitches are within the playing range of an instrument they doesn't work (properly). So when you mention "Double Bass" it really could be that...
C0 within the VSL-Player corresponds with C-1 in Cubase for example
C~ VI is C-2 in Cubase
With Logic you should be able to adjust this difference somwhere in the settings.
Try to set the bass key-switches above its playing range and observe whether the switches still don't work.
Make sure that the A/B switches (which are sometimes set without your help) could get a value which could be the lowest note of a Bass instrument as well...
You may rest assured that this problem isn't a bug because the VI player is now a very long time in use with billions
of people around the world...
I believe it has something to do with the range of your keyswitches and those of the playing range of the instrument.
Success, my dear
Thanks again Beat,
Putting the key switches at C6-D6 solves the problem! (The A/B switches were not activated and neither was the mod wheel.)
Incidently, in the bass sample, the pont articulation doesn't seem to make much difference, probably because I experimented with it on a very low note.