iscorefilm, DG is a conductor, violinist, composer and MIDI programmer whose work is as good as anything on this site. Maybe better. But he doesn't post it. I have said what you are saying about a hundred times - that imperfection is needed with MIDI. But the point DG was making (I venture to state - sorry DG) is that the imperfection on this Adagio library is going to backfire, because it is too much. I noticed on the demos that it sounded far too out of tune on the target notes of those legato patches. The repetitive aspect will surface if you ever have to hear that same out of tune effect. That is where a RANDOMIZED digital lack on tuning is superior than a built-in recorded one. For example - if you create two layered tracks that are digitally detuned, you will not be able to tell the difference between that mix and a real one out of tune. Another example - that swell patch - it was far too regular. Every swell was the same. I would never end up using that supposed feature. Totally artificial sounding and no players would ever do that so regularly except on a sample library.
One other thing - within the VSL samples already are many very useable examples of variation, detuning and imperfection. These are besides the VI Pro digital presets. Just check out the lists of Appassionata, Orchestral, etc. Incredible amount of variation has already been recorded.
Not to say that more would be unwelcome though! Especially something like Dimension Strings. If you listen to the Dimension Brass, part of the great feature on that library is the slight, very musical detuning between the individual players and the variation audible in the exact performances. So that would presumably be a major aspect of a new, supplemental (not exclusive) VSL string section that would allow both auto-divisi and even more variations of tuning/performance.