Hello Dan
and welcome in the family of VSL!
Example for the Chamber Strings
...I'm mostly interested in chamber orchestras at the moment.
A) Then I recommend buying the chamber strings (Full). You get all the samples for playing most of the stiles from baroque to Pop...
Further: The chamberstrings library supports all the instruments with the same articulations. So even the basses come with trills etc.
In other words: You will be able to play the strings part with a maximum of realism.
B) In addition to the Chamber Strings I recommend the SE - Library (if possible the full version). So you will have the most important instruments of the orchestra (incl. Percussions, Harpsichord, Organ,... check the table)
Even if you only get some articulations per instrument (stac. portato short, sustain, sfz, legato, ...) you will be able to play nice and really sounding pieces - together with the chamberstrings. You also can collect experiences and you will love some instruments more and more. So later on you can buy the full library (Woodwinds, Brass etc.).
In general: You can use all the possibilities of VSL with the SE Library as well but with a reduced amount of articulations.
And a final word: If you are new to the subject "making music with samples" you will learn that it is a very complex matter. So, a good result doesn't only depend on the amount of articulations but also on a good audiomix, on the natural usage of samples (depending on instrument), on the arrangement and so on...
That's all so far...
I wish you a successful start. Choosing samples from VSL makes "half of the race" [;)]
Perhaps you will get further recommendations here... Let's see