Hi Community,
First I'd like to APPOLOGIZE - it seems that my browser for the Forum Post can't put the text in edited form (with sections, paragraphs and so on...). So please - try to read it despite its terrible form. Thank you!
I'd really appreciate your insight on the following: I have a dedicated Pro Tools computer. It is a nicely configured beast that can handle heavy sessions (audio + aux/sends/plugins) very well and is stable as rock. However - when loaded with Virtual Instruments, it gets maxed out sooner than I would like it to.
That's why I am seriously considering the idea of buying another computer - one that would be used solely as a platform for running VI's. Somehow I stumbled upon Vienna Ensemble... and here's this "complete" picture I have in my (technically naive) mind:
----- 1. Computer #1 = Pro Tools, Computer #2 = VEP 5
----- 2. The machines communicate via LAN (no additional hardware needed)
----- 3. Pro Tools midi tracks trigger the "audio" response from VI's
----- 4. "audio" signals from VI's enter Pro Tools via Aux tracks
----- 5. You need some sort of dongle to run VEP ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
So - in order to do what I've just described, I'd need to have:
- additional computer
- buy a VEP 5 software + Dongle (Key)
- and go!
Is it really THAT simple?
Thank you very much for your thoughts on this, confirmation or corrections of my newbie simplifications will be very welcome!
Best regards,
VEP5 + Pro Tools = so simple?
Thanx Swar & Stig! Instrument tracks? Perfect! + "now it will even run Guitar rig pro and you can route your di track via this" - Well guys you've just made my day, well, night to be exact That's all I needed to know... now- the only thing I will need to solve is how to approach to that "Darling, there are some more absolutely necessary things I will have to buy to be able to..." speech:=)
@OneManBandit said:
Hi Community, First I'd like to APPOLOGIZE - it seems that my browser for the Forum Post can't put the text in edited form (with sections, paragraphs and so on...). So please - try to read it despite its terrible form. Thank you!Welcome Fedja,
please apply the following changes to your VSL User Profile for nicely formatted forum messages:
Kind regards,
/Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library