i have 4 elicense keys, 2 on mac's and 2 on pc's all containing vepro 5 licenses. one of them also contains a mir license.
i moved the mir license to a different key to accomodate some other licenses. now the key with the mir license is not recognised
by one of the pc's, unfortunatley the one i need mir on. the strange thing is that the key with mir works on all the other machines, mac and pc.
i did the license tranfer on a mac.
i get an error:
<application LCC2 has caused the following error
DCOM connection to the program "synsopos.exe failed
error: the remote procedure call failed>
i have uninstalled and reinstalled the latest versions of vepro5 and the elicense sortware. tried rolling back windows7 to an earlier point, but with no success.
any ideas?
thanks so much in advance.