1. Another one of those things that is easy to notate... hard for me to get the VSL effect I want.
I have celli playing marcato 8ths and then into a legato slurred passage. So I have the keyswitch C#6 cell 3 for the marcato and then I hit D6 right before the legato begins to activate the legato patch. And it sounds -OK, but the attack of the first note has a noticeable portamento--even though the MOD wheel is turned off. How do I make that first note not do that?
2. I am still struggling with controlling volume during a passage. Is the expression (CC11) or volume (CC7) or something else... the best way to go? I realise that the velocity of each note has something to do with this as well, but there's gotta be more to it.
3. On a related note... I'm still looking for a big 'swell' (cresc.) effect. I keep seeing referrences to Velocity X-Fade but I don't really get it. I have the Garritan Strad and Gofriller libs and they use the expression pedal for this quite well. Hoping such is also possible with CS.
Oddly, some other VSL instruments I have (like Tenor Sax) seem to 'breathe' more 'automatically'... ie. the notes 'swell' or 'die' more like I want without a ton of effort.
Any thoughts would be most appreciated.