if that machine uses DDR3, you are wasting 8 gigs of that RAM. Also I would advise you to let Apple stock it only with the minimum as their price is seriously gouging the customer on it, get the lion's share from another vendor.
Sorry to say that you dont know what you are talking about.
If you compare a DELL server to a MACPRO (they have both Xeon processors) the Mac is a little bit cheaper.
What is expensive with Apple, is Memory, but it it is easy to buy it elsewhere
You have to complain to Intel because most of the price of a Macpro is in the processors, Just look at the price list of an 6 core Xeon processor, it was 1500 $, if you have 2, like in mine, it was 3000$
The new Xeon processors 8 core are going up to 2057 $ each !!!!!
Today 32 GB with a full orchestral template is not enough !
My 97 Vi 2 template on ssd with pre-load buffer set to 4096 uses 59 GB (I load only the preset levell II of each instrument)
I have heard rumors that the preload buffer could be reduce more with next version
If I was you I will wait a few days for next version
Do you own a Mac now ?
If yes it will be wise to keep it and use it as a Master with Logic pro running on it and have the your VE pro with your 80 VI and MIR running on your new Macpro