PLEASE IGNORE this - it was the HDD
I suddenly have a serious issue. All was working fine until yesterday and I do not think I have changed anything...
Now it takes a lot longer to load patches - I tried a single legato patch and it crept from ~80% up at 1% per 2 seconds....
My string quartet template used to load in 2 ish minutes - now 10 and stil not done
And once loaded if I try to play a single note it cuts off with small pop after less than second
I assumed it was a ram problem but have just run the Windows diagnostic and it says zero errors. Also ran a disc diagnostic, zero errors. I have also reinstalled both VE pro 4 and VI pro 2 with no change...
Help!! Any ideas?
Win 7 Pro. 2 x Intel Xeon E5320. 16 GB Ram. M-Audio 192.
PS I have also noticed it is taking far longer "scanning content files"