I wonder whether anyone outthere has my problems
1-I recently download the latest VEP5 build 10068 and install it in my computer( W7 Home premium 64 bits-16 Gig of RAM). These 2 screens appear:
Unable to execute file
C\ Program files\Vienna Ensemble Pro\Vienna Ensemble Pro.exe
Createprocessfailed;code 640
The requested operation require elevation
Unable to execute file
C\ Program files\Vienna Ensemble Pro\Vienna Ensemble Prox64.exe
Createprocessfailed;code 640
The requested operation require elevation
I then press ok both times and a sign comes up saying the program has been succesfully installed and then I press finish
This has never happened when I installed the previous version of VEP5
I wonder whether this will affect the performance of the program
2- On stage I manage to install the VEP5 successfully without the above problem, I note that the strings/woodwind will be in tune when I load them in VEP5( open in Sonar 8). When I close sonar and open the projext again later, the strings/woodwinds will be strangly out of tune, but not the imperial piano. I tried to delete an instrument eg violin, create another instrument in VEP5, then load the violin again. The violin will be in tune with other instrument again. This problem happens again every time I open the project with VEP5 and never when I open a project when I do not use VEP5. So I suspect the the problem is caused by VEP5 and ? my computer
I never use pitch bending and check the master tuning is at 440
Any suggestion is greatly appreciated