I am just finding out that in some libraries the volume control for the patch (CC7) and the expression control (CC11) can acually have two different results. I wasn't actually aware of this fact until now.
So with that in mind, Does the expression level affect the patch directly in a different way than automating the CC7 information at the patch level (for VSL products)? Because if it does, then it seems it would be best to leave the CC7 alone once you have all sections balanced, perhaps balance everything with Expression levels at 64-96 so that you have room to swell, and room to diminuendo all your patches. Then try to do all your work with the Expression slider for all volume changes (this is of course after you have driven the modwheel, or individually set your velocities).
Thoughts? Facts? Meantime I will look at the manual of one of my instruments to see if this is clearly stated because it's not in the VI player manuals (that I seen).