I am currently trying out VE Pro 5 - attempting to take advantage of the environment layer that allows multiple ports.
I have one large VE Pro instance with 16 instances of Kontakt. It is - when not connected - idling around 5% but as soon as I connect it to Logic it jumps to 80% (with no further action, no playing or editing in Logic). Can someone please explain to me why this occurs and how I could possibly lower the CPU usage? Obviously something is not quite right. The total memory usage for VE Pro is 10.2 GB on a 18GB system. I still have plenty of headroom.
VE Pro is currently set to 1 processor per instance - if I choose 2 or more the CPU percentage goes even further up dramatically. Kontakt is set to multiprocessing.
Mac Pro 3.1 8 core, Mac OS 10.6.8, Logic 9.1.6, 18GB RAM, all is 64 bit.