This is a tad embarassing but, back in 2010 I received this instrument as an extra when I bought another Vienna product. I'm not sure how to install it though...yeah I'm finally getting around to wanting to use it. It's on the same hard drive as my other instruments but not in the same folder. The only VSL products I have are the Special Edition and Vienna Suite and Vienna Ensemble. I'm on a MacPro 10.6.8
V57 flugelhorn
Hello John,
Wow, that´s been a very long time to claim your free instrument!
As we have not specified a time frame for this special offer, I have added your Flugelhorn to your account, your download files are available in your USER AREA. Please follow the instructions on top of the page to download and install this instrument [:)]
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
Yes, it was rather a long time. Thank you for the help. I've installed it and tried it out and it sounds beautiful. And thank you for such a prompt response. Best, John