I like very much my Motu PCI system, it had grow with my needs I started a with a few tracks now I have 84 ins and 64 outs
I started years ago with a PCI MAC, upgrade to a PCI X and them to a PCI E just changing the PCI card (the 4 interfaces connected to the PCI card was not changed)
In my system I still have 2nd generation Motu 2408 MKII, a 24i and a 1296 (at least 15 years old) and a more recent one the 2408 MKIII and they are all working toogether with no problems since many years
My only reproch with Motu are
- that the CueMix* only display 24 tracks at a time so with my big configuration I have to scroll back and forward
- In the CueMix you can only dispach 180 ins to your 64 outs, but what is good is you can store dispatches and have different dispach depending of the tasks you are doing
What could be helpfull is you may need one day Adat, TDIF, SPDIF, AES ......, just by sotware you switch 8 analog ins/out to an Adat
My Mac digital outs is connected thru a the light pipe to AES converter
Motu is using the same converters than Protools
You do not need an additionnal mixer in the studio
You can connect a control surface if you really need
* CUE MIX = realtime mixing table that run on the MAC with no latency as the mix is done in the PCI interface, the sound does not go in the MAC, the MAC is only controling the faders and the switches