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  • can't unistantaite ve pro 5 in logic


    i've run across a stange problem. i'm trying to uninstantiate an instance of ve pro 5 in logic and when i click on the insert containing vep,

    imediately the slave instance starts "saving" once it's done saving i return to logic and click/hold on the insert again and the slave instance

    saves once again. this keeps happening nver allowing me to remove vep. it's a never ending cycle. i must being doing something wrong but i've

    no idea what. this works to remove other instances, maybe it's just a corupt logic file.

    if anyone has any idea what might be causing this, i'd be grateful for the help.

    thanks much !


    host-mac 2x3gig 24 gig ram os 10.6.8

    slave- pc i7 32 gig ram w7

    ve pro 5 build 9753

    logic 9.1.3

  •  uninstantiate  ?????

  • last edited
    last edited

    instantiate [ɪnˈstænʃɪˌeɪt]

    (tr) to represent by an instance
    [from Latin instantia (see instance) + -ate1]

    Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers

  • I have exactly the same problem. It's a right pain, because you're advised to preserve the instance of VSL in this case, but you can't get to the UI to do that! I doubt it's down to a corrupt Logic file, because it does this in every project I work with.