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  • Dimension Brass in MIR

    In January 2011 a fellow-user from Michigan wrote:

    "I can't wait to see how you figure out how to spread the patches for auto-voicing in MIR Dietz.  For instance, in VI Pro we can insert 4 patches and setup all 4 to be in different pans etc.  Then when we play 4 notes we get 4 different sounding patches (and physically they sound in different parts of the stage).  You would somehow need to have 4 seperate MIR icons on the stage to work together as one multi-instrument so that when you played one note it played on violins/brass 1, then two notes it addes the violins2/brass2 which is placed right beside it on the MIR stage (or on the opposite side as I sometimes do to make the violins/brass sound very large in the stereo field) and so on for 3, 4 or more notes.

    Is this something you've considered tackling within MIR?"

    As of today I`d like to know where we stand: Is there/will there be a special instrument profile for the Dimension Brass Ensembles in MIR? Or do we still have to choose a General Purpose instrument for the whole ensemble or the single players distributed over four MIR-icons?

    I should add that I (still) use "legacy" MIR 1860. So maybe things have changed in MIR Pro?

    Kind regards

  • There are dedicated Instrument Profiles for all Dimension Brass-ensembles available in MIR Pro. I don't think that we will implement them into "legacy" Vieann MIR, too, as almost all its users upgraded to MIR Pro in the meantime.

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  •  Thank you for your quick answer, Dietz. One more argument for moving on to MIR Pro... [:)]

  • I find it interesting that the Dimension Brass profiles are in the Dimension Instruments folder [:D]

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    @Dietz said:

    I don't think that we will implement them into "legacy" Vieann MIR, too, as almost all its users upgraded to MIR Pro in the meantime.

    Kind regards,

    Using MIR Pro, I have to say, that would be pity not to have legacy MIR on the same level, cause for some reasons I still use MIR and it will remaining there, regardless the upgrading. Assuming the double work will not worth it for such pigheaded people like me (we are a few only 😊 ) but I wanted to tell that here. 😊   btw I noticed some odd behaviar in MIR Pro using m o r e than one instance at the same time:   The hot spots and grid button don't work anymore (is working using only one instance).   Delete an instrument can provoke a crash (in reloaded projects).   CPU usage is higher than in legacy MIR ??? (same computer, at same latence)   And: Using the vsl - Jazz Drums almost persistent I find the Group selection in the legacy MIR version more comfortable. I didn't understand, why we have to use the function with an inverse command? In legacy MIR after group definition you have to choose for seperate moving a solo instrument, now we have to do it (the button) for the whole group every time, selecting the group before in a seperate command; in the first time I found this philosophically diametrically opposed thinking somehow annoying; meantime I made my peace with this. The alternating use of different versions of the same tool will need some time to acclimate.   Apart from that: Still loving MIR (Pro) 😊   Kind regards   Frank

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    @Another User said:

    Apart from that: Still loving MIR (Pro) :-) 

    Thanks a lot! That's good to hear.

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @Dietz said:

    I really, really, tried to keep our "old" Group feature alive, to no avail. 8-) You could do me a favour and send a short note to  , stating that you miss it, too.
    I will do it for shure!   Regarding the issues: Good hint regarding the mode. Issues occured only in Server-mode (Cubase 6 on MAC to Win 7); stand-alone everything is fine (even the CPU usage.) Now I'm assuming the reason of the problems is the bad audio card of the MAC. It will exchange next time, assuming than the issues will go away.   Thanks for the quick response! Kind regards   Frank

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    @mboc said:

    I find it interesting that the Dimension Brass profiles are in the Dimension Instruments folder


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library