I have two midi sync problems in VEP5 standalone.
Master is Mac G5 Dual 2,7 PPC with Logic 7.23.
Slave is Windows 7 64bit with VEP5.0.9753 standalone.
Midi is transferred by hardware interfaces (unitor and RME multiface)
This setup is working well.
But when syncing the arpeggiator in Omnisphere a constant crackling is occuring. It is mainly present in the lower registers of the audio spectrum, like basses and similiar sounds.
This seems to come from constant variations in speed in VEP5, the speed indicator in the lower right corner is flickering, showing very fast variations from e.g. 114.72 to 115.16 BPM, when original tempo in logic is 115.
That looks like VEP is not really locking to midisync (or too well?;-)
The midi sync signal itself must be valid and usable, because this problem does NOT happen at all when using e.g. MiniHost instead of VEP.
In this case there is no crackling at all.
This problem does also NOT happen when using the server version of VEP5. In this case the speed indicator in the corner of VEP5 is not
flickering like in the standalone version, but is showing constantly very stable 115 BPM.
Second problem: when fresh loaded VEP5 shows a "sync" tempo of 6.76766 BPM, as long as the sequencer did not start. In this state you cannot chose a patch for the arpeggiator, because everything is so SLOOOOOWWWW ;-) Other hosts do choose a standard tempo of 120 bpm as long as there was no midi sync at the input, don't they?
I did not check with another plugin than omnisphere, but since the problem shows up in the tempo indicator in VEP5, I do not think that with another plugin it would be different.
Of course in the midi preferences of VEP I checked "Clock sync source" for the correct midi in port.
What is going on here? Is there a bug in the midi sync department of VEP5?
Or did I miss s.th.?
(BTW I tried a different midi interface... same result.)
The way it is I cannot use the standalone version of VEP5 when sync is needed.