Ever since upgrading to VE5 i have been plagued with endless synchronization errors in Logic. Below are two images of a single instance of VE5 in Logic along with the System Performance window. The first image shows the VE5 plugin muted and the resulting system performance, the second image shows the VE5 plugin engaged (though not selected in the arrange window...thereby not making it a live track in Logic) and the resulting System performance and error message. Logic has been set to a buffer of 512 or 256 while VE5 has been set to both 2 or 4 buffers with no change in the resulting error. The only thing that stops the error and slowdown of Logic 9.1.6 is muting VE5. I have no problem with lack of ram nor hd access. The error seems to rest with VE5. It seems to me that VE4 did not have such problems as i was able to work quite comfortably with Logic at 128 and a 2 buffer setting in VE4.
Any assistance would be appreciated as i am unable to use said software in it's present incarnatiion.
MacPro 2.66 8core
24GB ram
Logic 9.1.6 (64)
VE5-most recent version
Krzysztof Szychowski