I have the Special Edition Plus which the 180 start-up trial has just expired. The instruments that had "L2" next to them were the only ones that should've disappeared, but now I don't have any timpani or piano just to name a few. I can only load the PLUS part of the samples and not just the SPECIAL EDITION.
In my Directory Manager I see SE 100 and SE 101 are available to select. When I select the SE 100 and restart no instruments are available within Vienna. When I select the SE 101 and restart those instruments seem to be available. I've tried to do both or select the master folder for both and they all just give me the PLUS instruments and not the normal ones like piano or just legato strings.
My elicense key seems normal with the Se 100 and SE 101 still on the list. On the Vienna website everything looks normal.
Thanks for any help!
OSX 10.6.8
2 x 2.8GHz quad-core Xeon
6 GB or RAM
Help Please, After 180 trial can't get instruments to come back
Thank you for your help Paul. I'm sorry but I can't seem to figure out where to look for the license. I've checked my License Control Center and sure enough it only has 2 things; Vienna Software and SE Plus. I assume I need to get Special Edition Standard on that list also. My email is different now and I've "requested" to change it. So, I no longer have the activation code if that matters at all. Thanks again for any help, Kevin