I am proud new owner of VE Pro (incl. MIR).
I have existing session in Logic with four instances of Kontakt 5. I am not using them in multi-timbral fashion, i.e. I am sending on just one MIDI channel in each of these 4 instrument tracks. Logic runs in 32 bit.
I created new instance of Vienna Ensemble Pro in 64 bit (latest build) and set up these 4 Kontakt instances there. I deleted Kontakt plug-ins from these four instrument tracks in my Logic session (each instrument track still contains the relevant MIDI data). Despite my innate male wiring, I actually read and studied the manual very carefully and followed it as closely as possible. I set each instance of Kontakt to "omni" mode, and each track in VE Pro to have its own MIDI port (ports 1-4).
The first instrument track that I "assigned" to my VE Pro instance works reasonably well, although there have been sporadic MIDI glitches and there seems to be a bit of latency.
As I assign the remaining three instrument tracks (using the "event" plug-in), I'm having nothing but trouble. The MIDI on the first track is still working reasonably well, but I'm getting terrible MIDI performance on the other three instrument tracks with notes locking up or not sounding at all, and terrible latency.
I tried redoing this whole affair with a 32-bit instance of VE Pro, but that didn't help.
The display from my "Activity Monitor" suggests that I am not over-loading my CPU, memory, or hard-drive through-put.
Before I sink a lot more time into this - are there known problems with Logic? If so, please just tell me and I'll convert this session over to Protools. Although, I guess I should ask - are there known problems with Protools?
Or, if it sounds like this ought to work, what else should I look into to get lift-off?
My Mac is Intel, 2 x 2.8 quad-core; 18 GB RAM; OSX 10.6.8
Large Vienna Library all on SSD, Protools/Carbon on M1 MacBook Pro, OSX Monterey 12.7, Steinway D, Rhodes Mk8-FX, Osmose, Moog One, Trigon 6-DT, OB-X8, Prophet 10 rev4, OB-6-DT, Kawai VPC-1