@Stefan said:
I’d also like to emphasize that with eLicenser it is currently NOT possible to disable a license via remote. Disabling licenses via remote is not only a technical issue, but also a legal one, as it's not clear if we or eLicenser have the right to disable licenses.
Can't you solve this point?
The situations regarding a lost or broken ViennaKey are also explained in our Terms of License (§5 and §6) which every user has accepted when installing our software.
Hey, it looks like our posts are achieving something. It is extremely generic and confused information but it is at least a bit of information. In the Terms and Conditions I got when purchasing the library there was simply ABSOLUTELY NOTHING on this topic.
Many of our professional users don't have internet access on their audio workstations, in order to be protected against viruses and/or unauthorized data access, so we need to use a copy protection system that also works offline. However, this also means that whoever steals or finds a lost key can use the contained license(s) without any restrictions, if he or she also has access to the samples, e.g., from a friend.
This is YOUR choice of copy protection and does not need to be like that. You choose a copy protection system of this kind which puts ALL the preassure (loss, damage, stolen) on the costumers. It is a CHOICE don't make it sound as something unavoidable. Change licesing system if you see it does not work. You can think of proposing and implementing several options, for those who are connected. It is by far NOT impossible.
It is also incredible that with the massive amount of torrent going on (and the key has already been broken), your main concern is that we are dishonest and want to spread licenses among our friends. First of all, if I wanted to find these or other libraries illegally, I would have no problem doing it. Second my friends would not even now what to do with this software. We, your costumers, BOUGHT this products to support this industry, you and the musical industry, but honesly you are making me regret this decision. This is a true paradox!
As a costumer the approach of Vienna to this problem is simply extremely frustrating. No real detailed information and no action of any sort.