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  • No Dietz,

    I overwrote the preset with an newly created one.  If I see it again, should I before fixing it, send you (support team) a copy of the problem preset file?  

  • Yes please, this would be _very_ helpful. Thanks in advance!

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Also Dietz, should the preset be remembering the send assignments and output assignments at the bottom of the strip?  I'm not sure about this one.....  What I'm seeing is that when I reload the present into the same template that the preset was created in, the send that was configured for a strip containing MIRacle is no longer assigned and the bottom of the strip that was assigned to the Master Bus is assigned to the MIRacle strip.  It's easy to reconfigure but wasn't sure if that was your intent on the design end...... 

  • Hi Dietz,

    Just had it happen again.  I'll send the template and the preset to the support email.....

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    @Chuck Green said:

    Also Dietz, should the preset be remembering the send assignments and output assignments at the bottom of the strip?  I'm not sure about this one.....  What I'm seeing is that when I reload the present into the same template that the preset was created in, the send that was configured for a strip containing MIRacle is no longer assigned and the bottom of the strip that was assigned to the Master Bus is assigned to the MIRacle strip.  It's easy to reconfigure but wasn't sure if that was your intent on the design end......

    Actually every setting should be recalled correctly - routing, channel strip configuration, levels, pre/post sends, mutes ....

    Are you using VE Pro Server or stand-alone?

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hi Dietz,

    I just sent 3 emails to the support box with files attached.  I've been using the 64-bit server.  Saving it as a Meta File.  When attaching to Cubase 5, I've been using the Preserve / Decouple function.  The reason why I've been using the channel presets is to conserve CPU.  I've configured the entire library and created Expression Maps in Cubase 5 to match.  I thought that I would be able to load everything in VE-PRO and turn off the instruments not in use, hide the icons, and Disable the cells not in use, and bypass MIR on the mixer for those instruments not being used ina given arrangment. 

    What I found was that the CPU usage was impacted by the number of instrument loaded eventhough, everything else was shut off and samples dumped from memory.  So the preset approach seemed reasonable -- to only have instruments loaded in the template for a given venue, for a given arrangement.....

  • Just for clarification sake, I loaded a preset into the template for Vln.2.  Originally, the send bus was set to 20 MIRacle and the Output bus to 21 Master Bus.  When I loaded the Vln.2 preset, the strip and the channel output is now configured for 13 Fl. (which is not currently and wasn't in the template at the time of the original preset save.  It was in the template at one point earlier in the template creation process.  It's not even an option now when I select the drop down to assign it correctly.......  Some additional info for you.....

  • Oh, I see - the _channel-presets_ don't recall the routing. I thought you had troubles when re-opening a complete, previously saved Project.

    I'm afraid this is by design - there's no way  for a recalled channel preset  to "guess" the proper routing in different setups. I'll ask our developers what could be done about it, though.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @Chuck Green said:


    What I found was that the CPU usage was impacted by the number of instrument loaded eventhough, everything else was shut off and samples dumped from memory.  So the preset approach seemed reasonable -- to only have instruments loaded in the template for a given venue, for a given arrangement ...

    Maybe I'm mixing things up (... will have to ask Martin Saleteg), but as far as I know, there was an issue fixed just recently that indeed was the reason for an inactive VI Pro still using CPU. This might be no problem any longer with the next software update of VI Pro.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Thanks Dietz..... All-in-all, I'm really impressed with the software and it's capabilities.  I've been spending the past 4 weeks configurating templates, VST Maps, etc. and other than the preset thing, the software has been quite stable.  I'm loving the sound that I getting from it as well.  Very realistic !!!  I thought I'd spend the time doing all the setups so when I start to write again, I don't have to think so much about the setups and focus on writing the music.  Everything will be somewhat in it's correct place, tested, configured, etc.  Great environment to work in.

    Thanks for your assitance Dietz.....  Have a great New Year!!!