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  • Slave PC server not getting picked up/seen by sequencer host

    So I am on day 3 of my epic war with VEP4.  I am almost there, and am hoping some kind soul here will help me with this final push.

    I have a slave PC with Hollywood Strings and Hollywood Brass on it.  VEP4 is successfully installed on it, and all the licensing stuff is done.  I am able to open a 64 bit server instance and load up some sounds.  I have successfully been able to get both the Brass and Strings libraries set up, so everything along those lines is good.

    I have a Master PC running ProTools 9.0.2.  It has VEP4 installed on it (the same exact version as is installed on the slave PC.)  I have the vienna key with the correct license, etc; everything in that regard is correct.

    I begin by opening up the 64 bit server instance on the slave PC and have it turned "on".  It is pre-loaded with string patches, and is set to broadcast its existence into the ether.

    i have a PCI express gigabit card (I am not using the one built in to the motherboard), and have a cat5e cable connected to a Netgear 8-port Gigabit switch, in port 1.

    The master PC also has a dedicated PCI card for ethernet, and is connected via cat5 to port 8.

    I see that i am getting gigabit speed on those ports on the Netgear (green colored lights on the port #s)-- all the feedback indicates my network is working, and at gigabit speed.

    I now open up ProTools with all the routing correct (instrument track that will house VEP4 as an insert + an AUX track for monitoring, some MIDI tracks, etc)

    I then insert VEP4 on the instrument track, and i try to connect to the slave, but Pro Tools doesn't see it.  I select 64 bit, and nothing.  32 bit, nothing.  There is nothing to connect to.  My poor slave PC is invisible.

    I have tried using different ports on the switch: master =1, slave = 2; master =4, slave =5, etc. . this did not help.

    The only thing I can think is that there is a problem with the network connection.  One machine is running Win7 64 bit Professional, and the other is running Win7 64 bit Home Premium.

    Is there anybody that can help me troubleshoot this?  I am not a networking guru, but I can follow instructions.  Unfortunately the manual has about as few details as are possible.  many thanks in advance -

  •  Have you tried switching the firewalls off on both computers?


  • DG, You were right. I still do not have it working, but we are on the scent.

  •  First thing I would do is disable the Network card that is not going to be used for VE Pro. Then I would unplug the cables from the switch and connect both computers together directly, using one cable. This is the simplest way to run VEP, and once this works, you know that the rest is just fiddling around. If this doesn't work, you know you have more severe problems.


  • unfortunately this didn't work.  getting depressed.  i sent off an email to VSL.  I am quickly getting to the point where i will need to use a midi interface + audio interface in order to get work done.

    very disappointed in VSL right now.  

  • Network issues fall outside the scope of VE Pro unfortunately. Note that you can also manually enter the server IP and architecture in the VE Pro Server Interface plugin's connect view. Perhaps you should try that instead.

  • Is this VSL's official position on this?  no support for getting the networking set-up?  

    This would be different if you actually had ANY sort of instructions in the manual for how to do it.  

    This would even be different if the manual said "setting up networks is hard.  we're not going to tell you how to do it.  just know, that before you expect your product to work, you will need to be able to set up a network for all your computers.  Here is a test for if your network settings are correct. . . ________.  If you can get to this point on your own, then here is how to install and set up VEP."

    This would be different if the manual's instructions were not so horribly inadequate and simplistic, leading people to believe that all they have to do is connect some cables and they are off and running.

    This would even be different if the networking functionality were not AT THE CORE of the product itself.  I am sorry if networking is a tricky thing to deal with on your end for support.  You made a networking product.  I suppose I should expect that if I ever bought MIR Pro from you, and it wouldn't load as a VST plug-in you would say you don't support VST issues, and I should take it up with Steinberg?

    This is NOT a case of me asking for any information other than what should have been included in the manual.  And we have not yet reached a point where your company has delivered what it promised for the price I paid.

  • If a direct connection between two systems doesn't work, the problem falls outside the scope of VE Pro. Possibly a software firewall is blocking ports or the two systems are set to a different subnet.

  • please point me to where in the manual it is explained how to set this up.  I have followed the manual exactly.  nowhere does it mention any of these concerns: firewalls, subnets, IP's, etc.    

    Here is what the manual says to do:

    First, there is a picture that shows ethernet cables connecting multiple computers to a switch/router (it doesn't even specifiy what exactly it is.)

    Then, this is the totality of the instruction:


    Please make sure that a ViennaKey with a Vienna Ensemble PRO license (or demo license) is connected to your master computer. Then

    Launch Vienna Ensemble PRO Server or Vienna Ensemble PRO Server (64-bit) In your sequencer, insert Vienna Ensemble PRO as a VST/VST3/AU/RTAS instrument The Server Interface will open. Click Connect and choose localhost [32] (New) or localhost [64] (New) A new instance of Vienna Ensemble PRO appears – and you can start exploring right away.

    To connect to a Vienna Ensemble PRO Server on a slave computer over LAN, connect your ViennaKey to your slave computer and start the Vienna Ensemble PRO Server or Vienna Ensemble PRO Server (64-bit) – then proceed with step 2 from above. You will see the IP address of your slave computer instead of, if your network connection works.

    . . .

    You can name your computer in the Preferences Overview of the Vienna Ensemble Server to keep the overview. Advertise on local network needs to be active to make your Vienna Ensemble Slave visible for other computers in your network. You can also choose to open instances minimized on load.

    . . .

    please have a look at the Vienna Instruments Manual and the video tutorials on our website! And if they don’t provide the information you need, please feel free to post your questions in our Forum, or send an e-mail to our support team.

    We wish you a great time with Vienna Ensemble PRO!


    Please forgive my frustration.  I am not a computer programmer or a networking administrator.  I am a composer.  And I am not technologically illiterate.  I am good at following instructions.  I have a lot of work to do, and never enough time to do it.  This is the 3rd full day I have dedicated to getting this working.  For God's sake, can you please just give me a step by step walkthrough of how to set up the network? 

  • I'm sorry to hear that this Networking thing is causing you such problems. I wish I could help you, but when I first started to use Networks for audio I paid an IT guy to come in for an hour to set mine up. As his hourly rate was way less than mine, it was worth every penny!

    Maybe think about getting someone to set up the Network for you. If you watch what they do, then if you need to do it again, it will be easy.


  •  James,

    Haven't had a chance to read this entire thread in detail, but I had similar troubles a while back, and some very helpful advice from Paul and Air helped me get things working.

    Here's a link to that thread:

    My issue ended up being with Sonar not allowed over the public network, which was blocking me from seeing VE Pro instances from the slave. So this may be similar to your situation, not sure. Anyway, there's some of useful information in the thread about checking networks and open ports.


  • Hi DG, yes, in retrospect I should have hired somebody.  In general I insist on knowing how to set all this stuff up, and it has been necessary in the past when I've needed to troubleshoot random problems on super tight deadlines.  But you are dead-on.  I had put this off entirely until I finished my last project, and now I had a day or two to fiddle before beginning the next, but that window is closed now, and I am back to midi interface + audio interface until March or so, when my it looks like I'll have another window.

    The good news is that I did get VEP4 working on the Master computer itself, and since I am running ProTools, this has opened up all my extra RAM for more Virtual instruments.

    I am very appreciative of your help.

  • Mahlon, many thanks!  I suspect something similar is happening.  I will be sure to read throught that thread as soon as I have another couple of days free.  And that time I will probably hire somebody to do it and just watch.  But I will have the person I hire read through it as well.

  • I have an update for everybody who has been helping, following, or who finds this thread later:  the issue is resolved now, and I am up and running.  And the solution is surprising.

    It turns out the network settings were fine; everything on my end was correct.  Simply getting the most recent versions of the eLicenser and VEP4 software fixed it.  The version of VEP4 I had installed is exactly the same version # as published on their website as the most recent version, which explains why I did not have it.  However, it seems there is a different build version that is only a few days old.  And the installer was noticibly different in how it handled directory management.  It knew where the VST folders where, put everything in a predetermined place, and was much smoother.

    From there, setting up the software was really just as simple as the manual mentions.  There was no need at all to think about networking settings.  I connected the cables, it showed up -- easy.

    This seems to mean, though, that there was something wrong in the previous version of VEP4 that makes it incompatible with my unique combination of OS and/or DAW (and who knows what else.)  Based on the number of threads I have seen with people in ProTools 9 not being able to see their slave over LAN, it seems likely ProTools is incompatible with that version/build combo.

    Thanks to everybody who helped.  Now it is finally time to get writing!