Hi all
I have a question re the output of an stereo instance within VE Pro
I use Sonar 8.5 and used VE Pro as VST within Sonar .I route all the VIs in a stereo instance of the VE pro to master bus of the VE pro (output 1&2). When I play an instrument , I can hear the sound and the master bus in my Sonar ( set to output 1&2 of my soundcard) also receives the signal. I assume that the output from the VE pro is routed to the master bus of the Sonar?
When I change the output of the master bus within VE Pro to output 3&4, I did not hear any sound from the output 3&4 of my sound card even though I change the output of Sonar masterbus to output 3&4 of my soundcard . Where is the signal from the output 3&4 of the VE pro master bus routed to ?
Can someone explain how the output from the VE pro is routed? Thanks for your help