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  • Free Upgrade for Vienna Instruments PRO 2 ?

    The latest Newsletters indicates a free upgrade to go from Vienna Instruments PRO -> Vienna Instruments PRO 2. I found only the demo version of Vienna Instruments PRO 2 by the online shop, free. Received authorization code for the demo version and installed; it's work fine but how to have the final version of the version 2. I said that I have a bank registered with the first version of Vienna Instruments PRO. In advance, many thanks _

  • Hello geronimo, 

    I checked your registered products, couldnĀ“t find a registration of Vienna Instruments PRO... Maybe you are mixing up the original "Vienna Instruments" (included with each VI Collection) with "Vienna Instruments PRO"?



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Yes, I confuse the types of software instruments: I have only one library with its extension (Elements) _ Do I qualify for an upgrade at all ? Sorry to be down to earth with your system and its hierarchy.

  • Hi geronimo, 

    Our Software products are separate from the VI Collections, so there are not upgrade paths in this case. But you can always get a demo license (which you did already, as far as I can see). 



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL