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  • Need an online tutor for VE Pro 4 or 5 . Will pay in USD via paypal

    I need to cut to the chase here. I need a tutor who can perhaps use msn messenger and is well acquainted with Ensemble pro 4 ( I could upgrade to 5 as well) but only makes sense if you have it as well. I don't need to become expert but I do need to know how to utilize the program fairly well and the various aspects. I need a person who uses Cubase 5 as well. ( I could upgrade to Cubase 6 to accomodate as well) The amount can be decided as hourly for example as required and exchanged via paypal in advance as we go. I simply don't have the time or the smarts or the knowledge base or any combination of those factors to get this going. If you are also good with cubase audio and some other things in recording this could work on an ongoing basis as required . I don't mean at all to use this forum for anything to do with money but at this point I need dedicated help and don't see any easy options . Posting one question at at time is not going to work as I just quickly get lost again.