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    Hello all Just installed VE 5 and I am going through a test run to see how it performs. I would like to point out a couple of things: 1. Please fix the Esc key function that separates the instrument window. Right now (in OS X at least) it closes the separate instrument window closes but it does not open when pressing Escape. 2. Double clicking on the name of the instruments in the mixer window should bring the rename dialogue (as opposed to the current process of right-clicking and selecting Rename). 3. The Transport in OS X is not working. I am sure this has been posted somewhere else though. For me the upgrade is all about the transport and the new automation function. I haven't tried the automation yet but it seems that for the time being VE 5 is a step backwards for me. An otherwise great product. Cheers Antonis

  • 1. Due to the new docking/tabbing of the VE Pro 5 user interface, you can switch between the Mixer and the shared Instrument window like in VE Pro 4 by pressing F3 or F4, which show/hide the Mixer and Instrument window respectively. Those function keys effectively replace the Esc key.

    2. How would a user quickly open the channel GUI from the Mixer when it's not possible to doubleclick the label any longer? It would basically trade one function for the other. Since renaming is a far less frequently used function it makes sense to have it in the context menu. Also you can still rename by clicking the name in the Channels window.

    3. The transport play/stop transmission will only work if the master host has the space bar set as transport play/stop key. Also currently it doesn't work locally with Pro Tools on OS X as well as Digital Performer. I'm working on getting this fixed as soon as possible however.

    Only the first point is a change from VE Pro 4 (just the key changed, not the functionality). The third point is indeed a bug that should be fixed as soon as possible. So I'm not really sure how it is a step backwards :)

  • Could we get a preference to put custom play keyswitches?  My space bar is assgned to something else in my DAW for years.


  •  Martin did mention elsewhere that even to get it to work at all was a bit of a hack, so I wouldn't hold your breath on that one. [;)]


  • We'll get it to work as soon as possible. No worries.

  • latency compensation within VE pro 5 is not working on my macbook pro running latest build and latest snow leopard. Have set 32 bit server with a parallel path in and out from Cubase 6 over network 1 path with waves L316 the other with nothing result is obviously out of time. Also the plugin GUIs are buggy as hell. they leave ghosts of themselves all over the screen when i move them around !

  • Which AU's are you using exactly? I can assure you that latency compensation works perfectly, even more so in Cubase 6, which handles latency changes very well. Perhaps there is a disabled setting somewhere that prevents compensation?

  • On the demo, will be buying just one problem - having sync drift problems with pro tools 10 osx 10.6.8. Maschine AU jittery on timing along with silent way plugs au. Any ideas?

  • hi, I am very confused about this this is a waves L316 - i choose it because i know its a very big latency - about 6000 samples i have 2 paths in ve pro both are fed from input 1 and 2 and both return to output 1 and 2 one has no plugins on it the other i put L316 on it the latency counter shows the numbers i expect but the 2 paths dont match i can hear a distinct delay I figure it isnt a problem with cubase as the send and return path is one and the same. I know the VST version of L316 is sample accurate but i dont know the AU. Is there a constrain delay comp in VE Pro that i may have activated ? i dint think there was thanks

  • Hello Karel I am sorry it took me a while to get back to this. 1. I am just saying that I find that the function of the Esc as in VE 4 appears quite handy to me. More than the F3/ F4 option and it would be fantastic if both options do co-exist. 2. One would use the Esc key! ;) Or on a more serious note, clicking in any other area of the channel track could do this for you (eg, the area right above the output selection, AND around the fader and so on. 3. I use VE Pro in conjuction with Protools 8 HD. And the transport indeed serves the play/ stop function. My apologies if my points were under the title "VE5 Bugs". As perhaps I was thinking what was "buggy" for me and how I am used to be using the software. Cheers Antonis

  • Getting lots of server crashes when I change or close projects on VEP5. latest build, latest snow leopard, Logic 9.1.6. VEP4 was flawless. I tried out the event plug today and had this weird thing where the kontakt instrument I was passing through the event plug would "fade out" slowly when I went into play. very bizzarre. I went back to the usual 16 ch AU as before and everything was fine. Perhaps it was user error. Looking forward to this feature though, thanks very much for your continued work on this software!

  • Could you send some crash reports to ? Thanks.

  • Hello Martin

    - if you right click in Logic it is proposing to delete the instrument, if you right click in the VSL Mixer in the Mir area it it gives you all the possibilities

    If you do a "pressed" left click in Logic it gives you all the possibilities (not sure of the right expression in English, in french : un click enfoncé)

    if in Logic you do a click and you stay on the area it is proposing to change the name

    In Logic  a double click opens a window of .... new settings 

    If you could align VSL with Logic it will be great !

    - Can you could change what is display in the mixer in the MIR area, so we see what option is selected

    - if you dock the main window and keep the mixer display, the bargraphs do not display 

    - can you allow the mixer to wrap on another line

    - when you use VE standalone it display the audio ouput names that you have defined, when your VE is in the VE SERVER it does not, it display : Output 1 to .....

    A little question :

    - If you use MIR do you need to use the 5.1 panning in the Mixer window ? normaly all the panning is done in MIR

    Many thanks



  •  I've not found any problems at all with VE5, all working as it should,  the only thing I have found, which is probably a feature request rather than a bug, is that the zoom factor of the MIR room is not saved.  I zoom the window to fill the window with my virtual stage, but when I reload, the zoom goes back to the default, so I need to zoom in several times each session.

    Could the zoom factor be saved with the file in a future update?

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    @Karel said:

    3. The transport play/stop transmission will only work if the master host has the space bar set as transport play/stop key. Also currently it doesn't work locally with Pro Tools on OS X as well as Digital Performer. I'm working on getting this fixed as soon as possible however.
    I'm wondering has this been fixed? It still doesn't work for me on local 64-bit server with Digital Performer. Mac OS X 10.7.5; DP7.24; VE Pro 5.1.1