Good evening;
When I write a 1/16 note beat and I get two beats, up and down, on the lowest note ranges (C1, D1) in the orchestral toms and Taiko; this only occurs on the lowest notes not on the others and have not heard this anomaly on any other patches
Did not have this odd behavior with those instruments just yesterday before I installed the demo version of Vienna Ensemble Pro 5 and Vienna Instruments Pro 2.
In other words instead of a 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 note I get two strokes making each value really 1/2 of what is written
Cubase 5.5.3. Vista Home premium 64 bit service pak 2, 12 gb memory, Intel
i7 920 @ 2.37 Ghz, 2 HD each 1 terabyte, Vienna Symphony samples installed on
their own hd, 88 Key Fatar SL studiologic controller M audio Profire 2626, MOTU
Micro Lite USB midi port
Ray Phenicie
Southfield, MI USA