the new Vienna instruments PRO 2 matrix is a great update of the software.
For us musicians that sometimes like to compose, improvise directly into our Daws and later export our midi files tracks into SIbelius I can see how now this can be a problem if not every note of the arrangment tracks is writen in them.
What I mean is, if I play/record a note in my daw that is triggering a matrix scale in VIpro2, is only that single note that is recorded in my daw, instead of the sounding scale that is produced inside the VIpro2 matrix.
Wouldn´t be nice to be able to save or export that scale, sequence, phrase or whaterver as a midi file or Xml to be able to tell Sibelius what notes were you playing when you pushed "that single note" in your daw. That IMHO will speed up things in your working flow when you need to translate your music from your daw to Sibelius.
Maybe a good solution would be what Kontakt has; the "talk to the outside world" option that allows you to record into a midi track any sequence loop or phrase that is performed in Kontakts internal sequences.
Do I make any sense?