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  • I think it could be any evil  combination of versions in our Mac Pros, or any setup in Logic, but I can't see the problem... and  I'm not a novice in VE, Logic...

  • I am not sure you english is correct :) but I understand you.  The rally has nothing to do with hardware, it is just the software.  Perhaps the i/o plugin was what they though fixed this.  

    I use my Event Input track set to ALL instead of seperate channels, but that won't make a difference and it shouldn't.  My controller is decding the xmit channel, not Logic for the way I work.  Regardless the result is the sound untill you reactivate the linked track by playing something.  I'll see if anything else works.


  • This is due to the fact that Logic disables tracks unless its transport is playing. I'm not sure anything can be done about this.

  • I figured out one part that got it functioning.  You need to put the i/o plugin on the MAIN track, not the input event tracks, but you also have to assign an output to it (I picked out 3/4 but it doesn't matter), then bypass it.  This is what causes the i/o plugin to actually 'activate' and it keeps the stream running between VEP and the plugin.

    However, this introduced a new problem.  All is well as long as the transport ISN'T running.  Once you enter record or playback it is hit or miss if it picks up on what you are playing.  It also began to cause CPU spikes in Logic which I've never gotten before with VEP...fix one problem get another.  [:^)]

    EDIT:  Another pass and I didn't have any more spikes, but there sounds like a 'doubling' of the sound too (you can hear the phasing) during playback.  It isn't there when the transport isn't running.  All I did was record onto this one track.

    EDIT 2:  This new issue is only on the EVENT INPUT tracks.  Using the track with just the VEP plugin works as expected.

  • Ah, Ok let's write in Spanish! [:P] Me no problemo with Englih [H]

    I would like to see somebody of VSL staff in this post .. they are omnipresent in other threads.  This bug is so important to let pass it in beta testing.

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    @jaumepardalito said:

    I would like to see somebody of VSL staff in this post .. they are omnipresent in other threads.  This bug is so important to let pass it in beta testing.


    Just look two postings above. (Karel is our main developer for VE PRO 5)



  • Oh Herb, sorry, 

    I've missed his post. So, no solution I fear.[:^)] 

    How is it possible that is not commented officially? This is a spectacular piece of software and you guys are an incredible team, but I think the problem has to be comented before people decide to spend the money (Happily, in my case) in a software that have been bought to solve this problem... and finally remain with it.

    In this case I think VSL is not acting well... this is not a minor bug. In my situation is the same VE4 that VE5. I've been in Logic for a long time, but moving to Cubase was in mind because the VST3 ports in VE, and delayed it few months cause the midi multiport in AU, that now is "useless" in my computer (I don't know if there's anything wrong in my Logic /Mac setup)

    I've been a VSL fan from early years, but this is the first time that I'm really disappointed.

    Sorry to say this words.

    Edit 1: At this moment is running well.

    Edit 2: Not working properly. The event input tracks miss half the notes.

    Now, really sorry for my english. Makes me an idiot.

  • Did you see my reply above that had the solution for the i/o plugin?  Give that a shot and see how it performes on your setup.  

    I'll do whatever you guys want to help get to the bottom of this.  I will clarify that I amusing a dedicated network for VEP too so there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with the setup, just strange behavior.


  • I've got Logic driving VE Pro 5 with notes ok but how do we automate? I've got the Event input on another Channel assigned to the VE instance but where on the VE server is "Learn" or "Assign" for either CCs or the "Vienne Ense Param" values in the Channel Automation?

    The manual is not clear on this; any chance of a walk through of the process? Or are we saying this is currently not working?

    I had multiple channel CC7 working on the VE channel without Event Input briefly before juddering chaos ensued. 



    MBP 2.8GHz Core Duo 8GB, Logic 9.1.5

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    @C_Caouette said:


    However, this introduced a new problem.  All is well as long as the transport ISN'T running.  Once you enter record or playback it is hit or miss if it picks up on what you are playing.  It also began to cause CPU spikes in Logic which I've never gotten before with VEP...fix one problem get another.  

    EDIT:  Another pass and I didn't have any more spikes, but there sounds like a 'doubling' of the sound too (you can hear the phasing) during playback.  It isn't there when the transport isn't running.  All I did was record onto this one track.

    EDIT 2:  This new issue is only on the EVENT INPUT tracks.  Using the track with just the VEP plugin works as expected.

    Hello Chris ,

    I haven't downloaded/installed VEP5 yet ,  so I'm speculating here , but this 'doubling'  effect &  the 'spikes' sound like a MIDI-Loop ,

    something that also occurs with Logic when using IAC-MIDI-Busses .

    So maybe the same issue occurs here too ?



    ( For those who are interested how to get rid of the MIDI-Loop issue when using IAC Busses with Logic I've described that a while ago

    in another forum :  )

  • Hi Gerd,

    I wish it were that simple.  The issue is much deeper than that and only pertains to the Event Input plugin.  


  • I have the same problem here. can someone from VSL please post what exactly we have to do in Logic to get this running properly?

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    @Karel said:

    This is due to the fact that Logic disables tracks unless its transport is playing. I'm not sure anything can be done about this.

    actually for me it's the other way around, if the transport is not playing I can get sound on the midi channels assigned via the VEP Event Input, once I hit play or record, I don't get anything.

  • +1, I'm holding back the upgrade because of this (as a matter of fact, I paid for the upgrade because of this...)

  • Last night I thought that I solved the problem... but not,  VEP5 misses one of each three notes. What a disaster...

    I would like an official answer here, isn't going to be any repair or update? or... Can we start to think we've spent the money in vain?

    It's really frustrating spend my time (very sparse, like everyone here) in evaluating  bugs/problems that have been treated as "Logic normal behavior" and make useless the update to VEP5 , in my case. I'm not a beta tester, I'm musician. I don't expect to buy a new saxophone and discover that I can only play half the notes because its build in this way.

    For me this is misleading advertising

    Again, sorry for my english and hard words. Perhaps better to spend time studing english that trying solve VEP5 / Logic problems... 

  • I am bumping this in hopes that someone at VSL can recreate the problem and let us know what's happening.


  • I hoped to save CPU power:

    - the master got to calculate more Altiverbs

    - the master gets back a lot of audio channels

    If the Event Input would work, I could put all Strings into ONE VE Pro, because I use different MIDI ports. No, I got for every instrument (Vl1, Vl2, Vla...) one VE Pro instance and 3 audio channels. But with VE Pro 5 and don't see any possibility to reduce the problems, audio channels oder CPU power. Sad.

  • The word "silence" in the thread's title is becoming curiouser and curiouser, as some might say — where are the VSL staff's comments on this issue?

  • Important enough...


  • We're still investigating these issues and looking for ways to improve the situation. Thanks for reporting this and apologies for the inconvenience.