Yes, the viframes load OK, they just don't use MIR. MIR is new to me, and I have no idea how it internally works, and the manual doesn't tell me anything, so I had no idea that MIR is just an insert effect.
So I insert each channel strip with MIR and that then brings MIR in, but I still have to tell each channel what the instrument is, you cannot seem to set "GUESS INSTRUMENT" as the default setting - so I have to tell MIR what every instrument is, if it only could default to GUESS it would be so much quicker.
So I assume therefore, that there is no convert viframe64 to viframe using MIR, I still have to adjust each channel by inserting MIR and setting the instrument right on every channel for every viframe?
It would seem so easy to automate this with a global command - that is what I was looking for, a simple insert MIR into each channel and set to GUESS instrument, or is there?