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  • Dropouts

    Hi everyone, I'm running VE Pro locally on my Mac Pro. I have dropouts very consistently (esp. with string patches). I'm running two instances of VE Pro in Pro Tools 9, both updated to the most recent builds. The instances are taking up about 15-20% of the CPU usage at the peak, though the issue happens at all times. I have 24 GB RAM, no other programs running, and even have set the buffers/playback options in Pro Tools at maximum buffer. This problem also happens in Logic, so I don't think it's a Sequencer problem. Any thoughts on why a local system (with a Master computer only) would have this issue? Possible solutions? Thanks!!

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    HI silverah,

    My guess is that you are reaching the polyphony limit, by playing chords with the strings patches (maybe even with Velocity Xfade on).

    Solution: Increase the polyphony in VI, for WIN: “Ctrl+Alt+P”, for Mac:”Apple+Alt+P”

    Alternatively, you can get VI PRO, which gives you many new features, amongst them polyphonic legato and a polyphony setting in the Options directly. A free demo license is availabl here (click "try").



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Paul, Thanks for your quick response! I'll increase the polyphony and see what happens, although I don't think it's that, because the issue sometimes occurs when I am playing a solo instrument, single line... I will report back after the polyphony change. Thanks, again, for your help!

  • Paul, Unfortunately, the polyphony doesn't seem to have been the option. The same problem happened on my slave machine (Custom PC, 24 Gb Ram). I thought it may have been the switch, etc, and brought everything to my master mac, but the problem persists... What would you recommend I do next? Thanks!

  • I have had this problem for the past 2 years of using this software. I have upgraded today to an SSD for the operating system, I have 32 GB ram. SSD for the audio files in PT 10 HD. I get dropouts even when I use only 2 instruments? I have not been able to solve this and it is frustrating. I have to bounce in PT when I want to use more than 2 instruments or I get dropouts. Lots of people seem to have this problem and have no solution that works. I use a standalone computer no other things. Any solutions? PT10, IMAC 12,2 - Lion 10.7.4 VEP 5.1.11262. Please help as this is really unhelpful, I am really looking forward to PT 11 when I will no longer have to use VE......

  • Hi Siverah

    Did you solve your dropout problem ?

    If needed I can help you with Logic



  • I'd love to hear if anyone fixed this issue.  I have dropouts on a new slave machine.  Super fast, SSD drives, 32 gigs or ram.  Even if I only load one patch and I play if for a few bars, I get dropouts.  Something isn't right here...  I am running Kontakt 5.0.1 within VEpro5.  Maybe the issue lies there??


    Latest VEPRO 5 on both mac and PC

    win 7 for slave

    mac 10.6.8

    DP 7.22 (32gigs of ram)

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    @mjkeys1 said:

    I'd love to hear if anyone fixed this issue.  I have dropouts on a new slave machine.  Super fast, SSD drives, 32 gigs or ram.  Even if I only load one patch and I play if for a few bars, I get dropouts.  Something isn't right here...  I am running Kontakt 5.0.1 within VEpro5.  Maybe the issue lies there??


    Latest VEPRO 5 on both mac and PC

    win 7 for slave

    mac 10.6.8

    DP 7.22 (32gigs of ram)

    what are your Network settings ? DHCP ?

  • if you have dynamic IP, expect very poor performance. I can't imagine that poor a performance situation otherwise.