Once upon a time I was a Cubase guy. I can really see how flexible and great VE Pro must be with Cubase.
A few years ago I switched to Logic Pro, which is great in many ways. But when I use VSL I never use the Vienna Ensemble. I really dislike the "multi-timbral" function in Logic! …and then there are track limits… and Logic cannot use several CPU cores on one instrument (at least last time I checked). Just too many things that stops my work flow.
That's why I only use one Vienna Instruments Pro and an Altiverb 6 instance per track/instrument as standard. Very flexible and CPU effective.
I may be pretty interested in MIR Pro, but first I need to know how it will work in Logic. Do I have to use the VE Pro with "multi-timbral" tracks in Logic, or can I use it like Altiverb 6 (without burning my CPU)? Or will there be a function in VI Pro to send audio to MIR Pro (as standalone) and back to VI Pro?
Maybe I should switch back to Cubase…