You can still get phasing issues if you're not carefull, when manufacturing a Vln II. Then thing is, Violin II is not just different players, it's different fiddles too. Different instruments and bows. Even moving the microphones and recording everything again is not enough to create that 2nd section.
I think we are all agreeing really. If VSL come up with "Dimension Strings" or something similar, as a whole new product to swat off the competition, and if that included Vlns II then I, for one would happy. It's kinda what I was saying eralier - we need a new strings library, and it must have some basic features.
For me Vln II is one of those basic features. Divisi is another.
I am not aware of any library that has a genuine Vln II (please correct me anyone) including LASS. The Vln II in LASS is made by "cleverly EQ'ing the firsts to avoid phasing problems" from the manual (not verbatim). To me that is a weakness of LASS - the ensemble feels empty somehow. A strength of LASS is an immediacy of sound, a sense that there is a session in front of you. But this could well be because of the (slightly complicated-to-use) divisi feature. VSL, however, can sometimes get a little "wall of sound ish" if that makes sense. Both Orch and Apass strings get a bit "blocky" when you build up the arrangement. Don't get me wrong - LASS is inferior for sure, on balance. No question.
The best and most beautiful string library in my opinion is the Chamber Strings of VSL. Really precise progamming and bags of experience have gone into this library and it shows. It would be great to get this quality but perhaps at the scale of the (rather aging now) Ortchestral Strings library.
I hope VSL are reading this little thread....