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  • Vienna Imperial - Convolution Reverb

    As it can be read on the product pages Vienna Imperial includes the Convolution reverb with 3 halls of Vienna Konzerthaus:

    "Convolution reverb featuring three halls of the famous Vienna Konzerthaus"

    Well...I really have no idea how to get the convolution reverb working.

    Of course I can select the three halls in the advanced view but when I adjust the reverb amount even to the highest possible setting there is no reverb on the piano sound.

    After the installation of the newest version of vienna imperial player, 4 halls in different sizes were added to the reverb menu and seem to work properly. In contrary the "original" 3 halls of Vienna Konzerthaus now have a tag "Convolution" after their preset name and still don't work.

    Is it possible that these 3 "original" halls are just a kind of preset meant to be used in convolution reverb of vienna suite?

    Do I have to purchase vienna suite to get the convolution reverb working in vienna imperial?

    Do I have to download vienna suite demo to have an unlimited access to these 3 halls?

    Thanks in advance


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    HI Torsten,

    We have actually integrated 2 types of reverb in the latest build of Vienna Imperial, there are also some algorithmic reverb options in there now.

    Please let us know which computer you are working on, and which latency you are playing with.

    As mentioned in the manual on page 12 (also available in the User Area):

    "Please note that in order for Vienna Imperial to perform reliably with a low latency/buffer setting (64 and

    32 samples on systems which allow it), you can switch to an algorithmic reverb type or deactivate the

    convolution reverb by dragging the Reverb Amount slider to the leftmost position."



    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
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    Hi Paul,

    @Paul said:

    We have actually integrated 2 types of reverb in the

    Yes that is true. And as mentioned above the algorithmic reverb options do work perfectly.

    [quote=Paul]Please let us know which computer you are working on, and which latency you are playing with.

    Intel(r) Pentium(r) 4 (3 GHz), 3,62 Gb RAM

    Windows XP Home Edition, Service Pack 3

    Well...the instruments perform best on latency 20 ms/880 samples but I have also tried to use 88 samples (which made no difference in reverb sound). By the way the performance is not the problem. If I select one of the halls of convolution reverb, there is really no reverb sound on the piano samples. Even the smallest hall of algorithmic mode provides more reverb sound.

    Kind regards,


  • Which host are you using to host Vienna Imperial, and what are your buffer settings?


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    @MS said:

    Which host are you using to host Vienna Imperial, and what are your buffer settings?


    I am just trying to get the standalone version working. Therefore I don't know where to find some buffer settings. Could that be the same like latency in preferences?

    Latency as described above. I adjusted the parameters exactly as shown in the instruction video of vienna imperial but there is definitely no convolution reverb sound on the piano samples. Nevertheless the algorithmic reverb works correctly.

    Thanks for your help.

  • The latency setting you mentioned above (88 / 880) seem to be somewhat odd. Do you have the option to choose powers of 2 (i.e. 64, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 ...)? I seem to remember that our convolution engine likes to see numbers like that.


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @Dietz said:

    The latency setting you mentioned above (88 / 880) seem to be somewhat odd. Do you have the option to choose powers of 2 (i.e. 64, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 ...)? I seem to remember that our convolution engine likes to see numbers like that.

    I am currently not at home anymore. Next week I'll give it a try to select latency settings as you mentioned above.

    Afterwards I'm going to post a short feedback.

    Thank you in advance.

  • Well as I have promised I want to give a short feedback concerning your proposals to get the vienna imperial work correctly.

    Thank you for your advice to use latency settings with powers of 2. This works great for standalone version of vienna imperial.

    Unfortunately this doesn't work in Cubase LE because there I can't choose the latency of vienna imperial engine manually but have to use the default settings of my internal EMU0404 Soundcard. So I either have to accept that the convolution reverb feature doesn't work in cubase with my computer configuration or you perhaps could implement the feature to select the latency manually even when using vienna imperial as a VST-plugin (I don't know if it is possible for a plugin to have seperate latency settings other than the latency of the entire host program)?

    Thank you for your great support and congratulations for having created such an awesome instrument like vienna imperial.



  • Thanks for the kind words, Torsten! Vienna Imperial is one of my favorite VSL instruments, too.

    Just to be sure that it is really the latency setting that cause your problem, you could try to run the EMU0404 with a generic driver like ASIO4ALL and select the preferred latency values there. ASIO4ALL is freely available on the Web.

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @Dietz said:

    Just to be sure that it is really the latency setting that cause your problem, you could try to run the EMU0404 with a generic driver like ASIO4ALL and select the preferred latency values there. ASIO4ALL is freely available on the Web.

    Well thanks a lot for that hint. ASIO4ALL works perfectly in Cubase with my EMU-Soundcard and the convolution reverb. In conclusion the problem were that trashy EMU-driver. From now on I'm going to use ASIO4ALL. 😉

    Again thank you for your support.

  •  I use the Emu 1820m, which I believe is the same driver as the 0404, along with Cubase, and Vienna Imperial works perfect for me, I have it set to Latency = 128 in standalone, or 8mS within Cubase when setting it with the EMU control panel. The EMU ASIO driver has always been very reliable, and I would always recommed using that rather than the generic ASIO4ALL.  ASIO4ALL is OK as a last resort, when nothing else works, but with a known good solid EMU driver, I would concentrate on seeing why that is showing odd latency values, the values mentioned of 88/880 should not exist - so where they are coming from is a mystery, but is probably where the problems lie.

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    @andyjh said:

     I use the Emu 1820m, which I believe is the same driver as the 0404, along with Cubase, and Vienna Imperial works perfect for me, I have it set to Latency = 128 in standalone, or 8mS within Cubase when setting it with the EMU control panel. The EMU ASIO driver has always been very reliable, and I would always recommend using that rather than the generic ASIO4ALL.  ASIO4ALL is OK as a last resort, when nothing else works, but with a known good solid EMU driver, I would concentrate on seeing why that is showing odd latency values, the values mentioned of 88/880 should not exist - so where they are coming from is a mystery, but is probably where the problems lie.

    As already mentioned above getting the standalone version working wasn't a problem at all after setting the latency settings to samples with powers of 2 by my own.

    The former "88" or "880" samples latency settings aren't as mysterious as they seem. As an user of EMU ASIO drivers you probably know that in latency settings of cubase you have to select latency in ms. By default I work with 20 ms. At an earlier point of this thread I was asked for latency in SAMPLES. When I opened standalone version of VIPro with my default settings I noticed that the latency settings in samples are shown at the bottom of that window - at least I thought that these numbers could be the latency settings in samples. For 20 ms I read 880 samples. And for 2 ms I saw 88 samples. So that's where the numbers were coming from.

    Strange that you can select 8 ms within cubase!? I have only listed those latency settings in ms: 2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 20, etc. None of them worked with convolution reverb. Thats why I thought of always using ASIO4ALL.