Please excuse me if this is already mentioned, a search didn't bring anyting up. Or if I'm misinterpreting this:
"OS X: Please note that Vienna Instruments 2.1 or higher is not compatible with versions older than 2.0 build 4017.
If you are upgrading from an older version, please open and save your songs with Vienna Instruments 2.0 build 4017 first, available in the Archive below.
Then upgrade to the latest Vienna Instruments Software.Ensemble (Version 2) for further details."
I am using version 2 build 3238. It appears to me that in order to update I need to first install 4017, then open every single project in which I am using Viernna instruments and resave, thern update to build 8777.
This is not practical, so i wonder if there is any alternative?
It appears I can't ebven reinstall VI as the arvchives don't even include versions prior to 4017.