@dagmarpiano said:
So just to repeat myself. Anyone at VSL check if VEP 5 solves the Play 3 Slow Load problem?
I have SSDs for both Hollywood strings and brass and have had no problems with slow load times on a Mac Pro
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@dagmarpiano said:
So just to repeat myself. Anyone at VSL check if VEP 5 solves the Play 3 Slow Load problem?
I have SSDs for both Hollywood strings and brass and have had no problems with slow load times on a Mac Pro
@dagmarpiano said:
So just to repeat myself. Anyone at VSL check if VEP 5 solves the Play 3 Slow Load problem?
Hi Dan ,
on a MacPro (OS X 10.6.7 ) I still have PLAY3 libraries on regular HDD's ( WesternDigital WDC WD1002FAEX , 64MB Cache ) ,
using a permanent 12GB setup of EastWest's HS and HB hosted within VEPRO.
Actually the loading times for this setup dropped from some 20minutes with PLAY2+VEPRO to some 6min with PLAY3+VEPRO.
( Please note :
loading big patches of EastWest's HS directly within Logic9 , however , is by faaaar not as fast as loading them within VEPRO .
It's indeed very slow. In my case not usable . This might be also the case for Cubase on Mac , but I'm specualting here. )
If you suffer from slow loading times ( - PLAY3 hosted within VEPRO - ) this might be related to some other factor on your system.
Don't think that VEPRO is the bottleneck here.
Maybe one or more of the following general things might improve loading times of PLAY3 patches in VEPRO on your iMac:
In PLAY 3 enable the checkbox "Fast Disk Mode" / Engine Level "Medium"
When you've actually loaded a PLAY3 set into a VEPRO-Instance , save this instance under an appropriate name.
The next time you'll load this VEPRO-Instance the PLAY3 patches will load faster.
Kontakt's memory server and PLAY's memory server still don't like each other that much.
If possible try to load your PLAY patches before you load your KONTAKT patches.
Of course , this only works with permanent samplelibrary setups.
Always use VEPRO in "decoupled" mode in combination with Logic ( ... and I assume that's a good advice for Cubase , too ).
One more important thing which affects only PLAY3 on Mac , due to the way it interacts with OS X :
In general, loading & unloading PLAY3 patches will step by step slow down your particular iMac system, which is limited to 16GB RAM.
Reason : PLAY3 loads lots of info into the Inactive RAM , and depending how many PLAY3 patches you will load and unload,
sooner or later OS X will begin to "swap" onto the system HD , something which will then simply slow down loading times for new samples and/or
the overall performance of your system slows down.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Always use VEPRO in "decoupled" mode in combination with Logic ( ... and I assume that's a good advice for Cubase , too ).
...well here lies the problem. It's extremely convenient for me to use it in "coupled" mode so that all my Play 3 sounds are tailored and edited specially for each track that I'm working on. Working with big preset templates that you can load directly into VE PRO is fine for orchestral-based productions but when you move into pop or hybrid productions it's more natural to get into heavy editing of sounds just for each track, in a way which will be tweaked many times while the track is in development. In this scenario it's much more convenient to have the Play 3 sounds load up via the host (Cubase for me), which is where this slow-load bug is coming from.
I do TRY to load in templates etc. directly into VE PRO where I can, but to do it consistently I'd have to commit myself to the creation of masses of VE PRO presets for each instrument, each piece of music and each version of each project and for me that's not worth the effort.
So, for my way of working this slow load bug is a pain in the butt.
Ah , okay , I see . Well , then I hope this slow load thing get's ironed out
@Edward_Martin-Goodman said:
Hi all, new to the forums. I have a question, which may or may not have been asked before. Will VE Pro 5 allow for connectivity of both the 32 bit and 64 bit servers through one instance? Essentially allowing you to use both 32 bit and 64 bit plugs in one instance of ensemble pro?
Hi and welcome [:D]
VEPro 5 will behave like VEPro 4 regarding separating of 32- and 64-bit servers. Bitbridge type of solutions come connected with certain problems that degrade performance, so we have decided to stick to our guns here.
@V_ad_im said:
It means, that now it's possible to connect vepro standalone to sequencer directly, as vst3 instrument, without iac-driver(OSX)?
This is not possible. Server and standalone applications are separate because of synchronization issues. If you are using standalone, the only way to get MIDI into it, is by using a system MIDI driver.
The VEP5 audio plugin is instantiated in any channel, and connects to an instrument plugin. The instrument plugin is then responsible for sending and receiving the audio data to/from the slave.
The audio plugin does not offer MIDI input. VEPro for now also does not offer sidechain for fx hosting.
@TabSel said:
understandable. But, I so hoped for integration of the standalone app in the plugin in a way to have ONE session across all, marked as standalone session, with the server then starting the standalone app and sending the vepro project data from the daw, and vice versa. I use two pcs with a 52ch soundcard and am searching for a solution to have ONE project in my main DAW, setting up the slave machine with its hardware as well, instead of launching apps on each pc and loading two different projects into these, for one "logical" project... bummer.
If you want to use a standalone version with audio hardware output, you are forced to keep your communication in MIDI, saving and restoring VIFrame/Metaframe files.