@V_ad_im said:
I am understanding it. Let it be! But, may be it is possible to make "network recieve mode" in standalone Vepro, for recieving signals from vepro server interface without 3rd party midi drivers? May be, for this purpose need special, "midiout-only" version of server interface? For what all it needs: In standalone mode latency is more lower, than in server(especially, if connection through network). It need in one project (with many tracks) switch to standalone, for playing and record notes, and switch back to server, for mixing and bouncing. For now, using a network midi driver is not problem - all works fine. Problem is wearisome rerouting: it must to change track midiout from iac driver 5 (for example) to Vepro server instrument 7, from iac driver 8 to Vepro 12, and vise versa, for each track! But it may be by only one click for all track at once, big time economy..
From your post, I can clearly see that you don't understand it. Server and Master live in two different synchronization worlds. In server mode, VEPro only processes blocks sent from the master, at any point in time where master decides to send it blocks, which could be of varying size (especially in case of Logic).