Hi Guys,
I'm trying to get to the bottom of a pops/clicks issue, and I have a few questions about memory handling in Vista. First, my setup: I have 3 x Mac Pros - 1 host (Mac OSX.6.8) and two slaves (Vista Ultimate via Bootcamp). Each machine has 32gb of ram.
Hardware is Apogee Symphony, Logic Pro buffer settings at 256, although it doesn't make a difference even if I set it to 1024.
My VEPro template is about 16gb loaded on one slave and about 10 on the other, and I've just recently started getting the dread pops.
What I don't understand is why there's so little free memory (they both show about 4mb free) and such a huge amount of cached memory.
I've done most of the tweaks advised on XPfree, but there are a few things left I haven't done, and would like some advice on whether or not I should.
1. Page File is set to off for all drives at the moment - is this correct?
2. What about increasing the Filesystem memory cache size? It's set to 0 (not set) currently.
And a couple of other, related questions:
What about Jumbo packets? Currently that's off, should I set it?
Some of the drives are Mac formatted, and I'm using Macdrive to let windows talk to them. Is this advisable for sample streaming?
I've seen something (can't remember where) about Hyperthreading - is this something that should be on or off? How can I change that?
Apropos that - what's an optimal setting for threads/instance in VEPro?
I thought I had it traced to some bad ram, but I switched that out and the problem is still there.
Lastly, if anyone knows a visiting pc audio tech warrior in the Los Angeles area I'd really appreciate the contact info. I'm mid-project here and need to get functional again asap.