Hi Guys
My slave, or one of them, exhibits high CPU load (according to Activity Monitor) even when idle. And it is directly related to the sample buffer I set in the host DAW (the latency setting).
It would be great if VE Pro could just have a constant latency that the partiocular slave could manage, rather than it "racing" to keep up with a more powerful host.
My real question is, why would the CPU be running high when there are no notes being played. The instances are connected - yes - and the CPU drops when you disconnect.
Is this all correct?
This is with 8861. Slave is a 2008 MAC PRo 2.8 Dual Quad, 32 GB Ram, headless (but with video card) and no sound cards, under 10.6.8. Host is a Hexacore Mac Pro runnng RME Madi PCIe with Nuendo uinder 10.6.8. Latency is a problem (for the slave) at arouns 256 sample buffer at 48k.